Them Not Me | Motorhead |

Them Not Me

Testo Them Not Me

Did you see the accident, the road is red with blood
Funny how it makes you feel really, really good
It was them, it wasn‘t me
It was them, it wasn‘t me
‘Zactly like I knew it would
I can‘t help it everytime anybody dies
I can‘t help it if it brings a sparkle to my eyes
It was them, it wasn‘t me
It was them, it wasn‘t me
Every time a nice surprise
Them not me, them, not me,
I can still be, I can still be free
Them not me, them not me
Over and over and over
Streets are like a slaughterhouse, turn right on the red
Here come pedestrians, night of living dead
It was them, it wasn‘t me
It was them, it wasn‘t me
Guess they should have stood in bed
Them not me, them, not me
I can still be, I can still be free
Them not me, them not me
Over and over and over
Alive not Dead
Alive not Dead
Alive not Dead
Alive not Dead
Alive not Dead
Alive not Dead
When I see those flashing lights & hear those sirens moan
See the smile on my face, I grab my mobile phone
It was them, it wasn‘t me
It was them, it wasn‘t me
Murder in the Twighlight Zone
Them not me, them, not me
I can still be, I can still be free
Them not me, them not me
Over and over and over
Them not me, them, not me
I can still be, I can still be free
Them not me, them not me
Over and over and over
Them, not me

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